Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Old Bee Bore

I creep down to the hives every night now. In the gathering dark I watch and I wonder. I see Itchy Knee bringing in pollen; I see San-Shi flying all around the houses the wrong way round to get into their entrance as it gradually moves across the apiary, closer and closer to the other hive.

I am still moving the hive, but I keep believing that Itchy Knee will deliver a Queen; all those little hints keep me hoping against hope that they have a Queen.

  • That torn-down Queen cell
  • They're bringing in pollen

But more than anything, it's just a sense that they have continued so steady, so consistent, looking Queen-right all the time. They fly in, they fly out, they do their duty, they hold the fort, nothing deflects them from the ultimate objective: preparation for the winter.

The evenings are beginning to draw in; the garden is looking wild and woolly. Guy's tomato crop has come in; rich and ripe and ready. Everything is overgrown and fruiting; peaking in those few contained weeks before true autumn sets in.

I must; I simply must know the truth about Itchy Knee this weekend. I'm praying for good Hive Inspection weather. If there is no brood now it will finally, finally be time to unite them for the winter.

Well, that said, I will wait for the end of the Apiguard medication - mid October - before I tackle it.

I find myself reverting back to bee-strategising on the Tube again when I commute.

Now, do I clear Itchy Knee's super first? So that's 2 days with the crownboard and porter escapes in. Or do I do the same to San-Shi as well? Do I even have two crownboards and four porter escapes!?

Then what do I do?

Perhaps I just clear San-Shi's and .... no, wait, I'll clear Itchy Knee's, then lift that box across to the top of San-Shi.

But what about those guys who reckon the stronger hive goes on top? I don't wanna do that - every instinct rebels. Why move the strong hive and risk the Queen?! Doesn't make sense ...

Blah, blah, blah. I'm turning into an Old Bee Bore, I really am ...

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