Saturday, 26 December 2009


I can't believe it was minus 6 on Tuesday, and today it hit 9 degrees. Nine whole degrees. Positively tropical, I say!

I pulled on my wellies and squelched through the worm-cast on the lawn, down to check on the bee hive. The "Bee Tent" is holding up fantastically well. As I stood and watched, I realised I've picked the one spot in the garden that still gets sunlight in the dead of winter. With the sun's rays pouring onto the side of the hive, at least twenty bees were out and about and while I stood and watched for the next 10 minutes, they increased to over a hundred bees. They positively boiled out of the small entrance and zoomed around busily - flying the typically summer route past me and out into the air above the lawn space.

They must've been busting for the loo these past 10 days! :-D


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