Sunday 19 December 2010

The Bee Carol

by Carol Ann Duffy

Silently on Christmas Eve,

the turn of midnight's key;

all the garden locked in ice -

a silver frieze -

except the winter cluster of the bees.

Flightless now and shivering,

around their Queen they cling;

every bee a gift of heat;

she will not freeze

within the winter cluster of the bees.

Bring me for my Christmas gift

a single golden jar;

let me taste the sweetnes
s there,
but honey leave

to feed the winter cluster of the bees.

Come with me on Christmas Eve

to see the silent hive -

trembling stars cloistered above -

and then believe,

bless the winter cluster of the bees.

* * *

Bless you too, Poet Laureate, that brought a tear to my eye!

* * *

Merry Christmas, bees!