Tuesday, 31 May 2016

The Humming Tree

We came around to the hives again on Sunday afternoon.  Once more I dragged my things out of the boot of my car and walked around the front of the house alongside the canal.  The gardens are at their absolute best now; colours bursting out all over, backed by the rich, verdant greenness of grass and wildflower.  Everywhere the flowers are out - campanula, forget-me-not, roses, apple blossom, hawthorn, sweet cicely, iris, allium, lupins, red hot poker, buttercup.  Purples and yellows and whites and reds and gold and pinks; you could lose yourself in the rainbow of colour and scent.

I sat down in front of the hives, waiting for Tom and Liz to come back.  I watched the action at the front doorsteps of all three hives.  Number One - "Mum's Hive" - showed some activity, bees going in and out, but I couldn't see any pollen baskets coming in.  Hmmm.  Number Two - "Tom's Hive" - was absolutely rip-roaring away - thousands of bees pouring in and out, pollen baskets filled, bees queueing up to get in and out of the entrance way.  Number Three - "Margo's Hive" - showed some bees coming in and out.  But I knew straight away; years of watching and waiting have taught me some kind of inner signal.  I knew.  They were slower than the other bees.  They kind of meandered around the entrance in a bit of a pointless fashion, looking a bit aimless and muddled.  No pollen going in.  I knew.

We opened it up and nothing has changed.  There were still three or four frames covered in bees, but no cohesion among them.  They weren't working together, interacting, talking, exchanging, waggling or busy.  No brood, nominal honey stores, the same old sticky, messy frames.  My colony is gone.  And our devices have not worked.  We stuck in a frame of brood in all stages, and the bees have not made a Queen cell.  Thinking about it logically, like a bee, of course they wouldn't.  The bees in my hive box are not in their home, they are merely sneaking in to rob out an empty house.  This is not their home; their home - with their Queen - is elsewhere.  They have Her pheromones fresh-licked all over them; of course they wouldn't make another Queen.

We went through Tom's hive and it has recovered brilliantly; the Blue Queen is there; lots of brood in all stages, but no attempt to build honey in the super above.  Of course not, they don't need to - there's a playground to mess around in, in Margo's hive.  More worrying is the third hive, which has no brood, only an overload of pollen, and honey. The Queen is there, but Her blue paint has been licked off and She is not laying.  We need to watch Her carefully.  So we took my box, and placed it over a sheet of newspaper on top of Tom's hive.  The two groups of bees will nibble through and come together slowly without aggression.  I packed away my brood box, roof and floor, and crown board.  My hive is gone.  Tom and Liz left me there for a while, and I sat and watched the two remaining hives.  I felt a kind of nothingness, and then a sense of rightness.  

When I used to do my beekeeping alone, as a solitary, sometimes I would talk to my bees.  I know I'm a crazy woman (you knew that, right?) but you would have done it too.  They're like an entity, a single mind, a whole creature.  How can you not talk to someone like that?  I used to mutter and grumble, or compliment them on their hard work.  I'd ask them how they were doing in the depths of winter as I knocked on the outside of the hive, and I would hear their reassuring hum coming back to answer me through the wall of the box.  So this time as I watched them, I felt like I was saluting them, acknowledging  the richness of the gift they've given me - all these years of learning from them, working with them, exchanging honey for food and protection.  As they went on their way, entirely unaware of my presence, I could only admire them.  "It's been a privilege," I said, as I left them.

Then me and Tom and Liz had tea and talked, and made notes and plans.  And I wandered through the garden and we lay beneath the laburnum tree and watched the bumble bees.  In the warm afternoon with the blue sky above, the sun shone through the wash of yellow and set it aglow, and we heard in the silence the sound of bees, so loud it seemed that the tree itself was humming.  It felt like a living thing connected to my skin through the ground and the grass and back up into the branches, right up to the very top.  

Perhaps one day I will keep bees again.  But for now I just feel a kind of relief.  I've been freed from duty; freed from my responsibility to the bees.  They've let me go, even if it's just for a little while, so that I can try and find my way again.

They always did know better than me.

Friday, 13 May 2016

... And In Other News ...

If you know me well, you will know that the one thing that keeps me going is the question, "What Will Happen Next?"  The soap opera aspects of life are the things that help me get out of bed every day to negotiate the obligatory tedium of earning a living and to deal with the banality of trying to stay alive as required by the norms of society.

So as I sit here today manning the Reception area in my new role (don't get me wrong, I am loving this job - it's great so far - touch wood), my mind turns to the recent hilarious developments with my bees.  Three weeks ago Tom, Liz and I decided to do early "Shook Swarm" on each of the three hives to combat varroa in the growing brood comb.  We did mine first and it worked perfectly except that I forgot to put a Queen Excluder under the chamber to keep the Queen contained inside.  Unfortunately Her Maj decided she didn't like her new quarters and she took off - taking all of her colony with her.  Cow.

So after all the joy of welcoming a strong colony through the winter and into the spring with a fertile, marked Blue Queen, I opened the hive two weeks ago and found - nothing.  Zip.  Zero. Nada. Nix.   My colony had not so much swarmed as absconded.  Part of me felt bereft, but another part of me - the weary, rebellious, solitary, hermit child - felt a kind of relief.  I had been excused from duty for the summer. 
Tom had some Queen Cells in his hives, as well as a lot of sealed brood he was planning to throw away after doing early "Shook Swarms" on his own hives.  It always seems such a tragic waste to a beekeeper, to throw away perfect Queen Cells and perfectly good brood.  So we made an attempt at a rescue by placing them all carefully in my empty hive and closing it up.  If a Virgin Queen were to be born and mate, and the brood all emerge successfully, there was a chance, just a small slight weak chance,  that I could establish a new colony.
But thinking about it later, I was convinced that the cold snap would mean the hive temperature would be too low and, with no housekeeping bees in there to raise the temperature, there would be little chance any of the still-to-be-born could survive.  So I took some equipment home with me to set up a decoy hive in my garden with a view to possibly installing a hive next year.  And that was it. 
Or so I thought.
  "There's activity on the front doorstep of all the hives," said Tom last week. 
  "All the hives ?" 
  "Yes.  All of them."
Well, blow me down with a feather.  What could that be all about, then?  We speculated that Tom's bees could be visiting my hive chamber to rob out all the honey stores left behind.  But my curiousity got the better of me and I couldn't resist driving over to take a look.  We walked down the garden, bursting with life and colour in all its finest spring glory.  And yes indeed.  There were busy bees flying to and fro - out of all three hives.
Without my suit on I popped the top off my hive and I saw bees under the crown board, so we gave them a huge box of sugar water feed.  I put the top back.  I walked away.  I stopped.  I looked back.  Again, my curiousity overwhelmed me.  Just what the hell was going on in there?  All advice, all advice is No Entering the Brood Chamber when a Virgin Queen is about to be Mated.  
 So what was there left for me to do?  I had to know.
  "I'm just going to have a look underneath" I said and lay down on my back and scooted myself directly under the hive.  Liz and Tom looked on in utter bewilderment.  They must have thought I'd completely lost my marbles this time, the few I have left.
But lying on my back with my face six inches away from the open mesh floor, I could see a lot.  And what I saw was a lot of bees.  Bees on the floor, bees working, moving, exchanging, interacting.  Bees.  Bees!
I wish I could say that I came away unscathed but the little beggars caught me as I emerged directly into their flight path.  PING!  One on the chin.  Ow! Bugger!  I hardly cared or noticed.  I was uplifted, filled with fizz, laughing and shaking my head at the same time.  Bees!  Never, ever a dull moment.
Tomorrow they say the sun will be shining and I hope to be able to open the hive box and finally find out for certain what has happened.  It could be bad news - just a bunch of robbers.  Or it could go the other way and be very, very good news indeed.
What Will Happen Next!?

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Double What the ... !?

In unexpected news, there appear to be a whole lot of bees in my hive box.  Those fearsome little b*tches stung me in the face.

We shall know more in a couple weeks' time.  Keep the faith!